If your YouTube account was suspended due to having a brand account, you can use the YouTube Account Switcher to watch videos. Sign out of all Google accounts and open your web browser, go to gmail.com and sign in to your SCH Google account, open a new tab in your web browser and paste in the following link https://www.youtube.com/signin?action_handle_signin=true&skip_identity_prompt=False&feature=edu_disabled&next=/channel_switcher . Once there your screen will look similar to this but with your account information:

To gain access to YouTube, click on the first available channel that has your full name, email address along with Owner Account, no channel. This will take you directly to YouTube, bypassing the brand account suspension.

A couple of months ago, we emailed you about upcoming changes to brand accounts as per information from Google and because changes were not made by July 10, 2019, they suspended you brand account before deleting it. If you'd like to review what was in that email, you can find it here. On November 15th, Google will eliminate the brand account and the use of the Account Switcher should not be needed, your access to YouTube should be seamless. Please know that nothing will happen to your Google account or email, only the suspended YouTube brand account will be deleted.